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Surveying Water Bodies and MHWL **Home Study**

Surveying Water Bodies and MHWL **Home Study**

Author: Paul O'Hargan, PLS
Course credit - 7.5 PDH's

1. The course begins with a crash course, for surveyors, on tidal theory and tidal technology. All of the tidal datums and types of tide stations are defined. Sea level variations are explained.

2. Not only are tide predictions taught for the times and heights of high and low water, but also for the height of tiede at any time of day. Interpolation and the three most popular methods for the extrapolation of a tidal datum from tide stations to a project site is explained with examples and a case study.

3. Vertical control surveys with helpful hints and NAVD 88 are studied in detail.

4. Next, the seminar teaches the demarcation of mean high water lines utilizing the latest techniques.

5. The course concludes with methods to perform surveys of beach profiles and cross sections, small lakes and wet borrow pits, as well as canals, sinuous waterways and open coasts.
Price $129.00
Copyright © Professional Development Seminars Inc Sanford, FL