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Land Planning for Land Surveyors **Home Study**

Land Planning for Land Surveyors **Home Study**

Author: Edward Ploski, AICP
7.5 PDHs recommended - NM Board has final authority on approval of course, credit and PDH value

1) Dawn of Urbanization
a. Political urbanization
b. Colonial expansion in America
c. Twentieth century development
d. Issues in Focus
2) The planning process and how it relates to surveying
a. Legal foundation
b. Land by dedication or purchase
c. Subdivision approval process
d. Compulsory dedication of land
3) Concurrency - Overview for surveyor's
a. When does concurrency become effective?
b. Methods in meeting concurrency
c. Funding issues
d. Grandfathered developments
4) Platting process and subdivision design for surveyors:
a. General review process procedures
b. Recordation of the plat
c. Starting point for subdivision design
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