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Surveying Ethics **Online Course**

Surveying Ethics **Online Course**

Author: David Balk, MBA

This course, in a light and non-academic fashion, focuses on the emerging need for business ethics awareness as an integral part of how we view ourselves as professional surveyors and individuals, and how the organizations for which we work are becoming increasingly aware that good ethics equates to good business.

The course will review the relationship of business ethics to our past and the laws that govern us. It will explore the role of individual and business ethics and how it affects our decision making process, our interpersonal relationships and our treatment of others. It will review how we lead and manage in an ethical manner and, more specifically, the responsibility of surveyors to conduct themselves appropriately and to enhance the profession to which they belong.

In addition to course narrative, the material includes “Observations of the Author” from his experiences in the ethics world, “What Would You Do” case studies, Codes of Ethics of relevant professional organizations and is sprinkled with “Takeaways”, bits of wisdom (“A half truth is a whole lie”), to add emphasis to the topics being discussed.
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